History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. -Winston Churchill

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Revealed: Part Six

To read the first part, click HERE.

He was gone. 4T was gone. Everything was gone.
I slumped down to the ground and moaned, putting my face in my hands. How could it be? Why was he doing this? The Mykola I knew from before…
“Cheer up, Trevor,” Marin encouraged, coming to sit next to me. She wiped the blood from her nose. “You win in the end.”
“How do you know that?” I demanded.
“Well, how else does Future Self beat Mykola to me a week in advance?” Audrey pointed out.
Oh yeah. She had a point.
“Future Self gets 4T back,” I murmured. “Future Self…”
I leapt up and exclaimed, “Of course! Future Self can help us now!”
“I am lost as to what this means,” Dominik commented.
“Future Self is really just Trevor Trekker from the future,” Marin explained. “All Trevor has to do is remind himself to visit back in time to when he’s in the past. It’s complicated but simple at the same time.”
“I think I understand.”
Audrey turned to me, her brown eyes wide with excitement and uncertainty. “Well, go ahead! Tell Future Self to come!”
“Future Self, we could use your help right now!” I called out.
In less than two seconds, a bright flash of light exploded around us. I stumbled back as none other than myself ran towards me.
“Trevor!” he exclaimed, his eyes wide as an orange. “It’s so good to see you!”
“Good to see you as well, Trevor,” I greeted. I glanced him over and frowned. “Your hair is a wreck.”
“You should see yours!”
“Well, I suppose you’re right. You know me better than anyone else-”
“Okay, let’s get to the point, Trevor!” Audrey and Marin said at the same time. They glanced at each other and giggled.
“Trevor, I need your help.” I turned to myself. “You have 4T on your wrist, which means you got it back from Mykola. How did you get it back and what do we need to do to escape from this time period?”
“You got it all wrong, Trevor.” Myself shook his head and smoothed back his crazy brown hair. “I didn’t get 4T back.”
“Then how are you time traveling?” Marin demanded.
“Because I retrieved the spare.”
“A… spare…” I did a face-palm and groaned. “Of course! The spare! It’s on the boat, isn’t it? I left it there, telling you that should anything happen you were to go get it.” I raised an eyebrow. “Which means… we confront Mykola again?”
At this, Trevor frowned and scratched his head. “Not exactly. In fact, Mykola’s on his way to kill you.”
“What!” everyone exclaimed at once.
“He’s gone back to when you were twelve, Trevor. He’s gone to the MacDonalds place, where you were fostered.”
This was bad. This was really, really bad.
“But- but that means- how- how will we escape and get out of this mess?”
“Well, originally what happens is Mykola can’t bring himself to shoot a kid. Even you. So he jumps back to last week Civil War time to try and stop you from getting the ambulant from Audrey.”
“Why is it so important, again?” I interrupted.
Trevor cast me an annoyed look. “Because of the jewel in the middle of it. Remember? There are only four or five jewels like it in the world. It doesn’t even have a name, it’s so rare. Mykola needs that particular jewel to get his time machine up and running.”
“Anyways, as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me...”
“Excuse me, I’m you! Which means I can interupt me whenever I want!”
“Trevor!” This time Dominik joined in with Marin and Audrey. They all cast annoyed glances in my- well, our- direction.
“Continue, Trevor.” I waved him on.
“Now here’s the catch- Mykola is going to chase you down and try to kill you. He is going to catch you, and he is going to get the ambulant.”Trevor paused. “Then he’s going to try and shoot you.”
“No!” Marin shook her head. “No, he can’t!”
“It’s okay!” my Future Self assured her. “Audrey shows up and she throws a rock at Mykola, hitting him in the head. This gives Trevor the chance to leap at him and wrestle the gun away from him. In turn, Audrey manages to slip 4T right off his wrist!”
Trevor turned to Audrey. “Any of this beginning to sound familiar to you?”
Audrey bit her lower lip, her brown eyes concentrated hard as she tried to remember. “No… no, I don’t recall… wait, yes! Yes, it is!” Her eyes widened. She put a hand to her head.
“That means it’s happening right now,” Trevor told me.
I rolled my eyes. “I know that!”
“What happened, Audrey?” Marin exclaimed.
“They- I- they fought, and Mykola almost shot Trevor…” suddenly Audrey reached into her pocket. “And I got 4T!”
I’d never seen a more beautiful sight in my life. I laughed out loud and took 4T from Audrey’s offering hand. My wristwatch glinted in the bright sunlight.
“At last! We’ve got it!”
“First thing you need to do then is get your extra,” Trevor informed me. “Because Mykola is going to steal this one again any minute.”
“Let’s go everyone!” I ordered.
“What about me?” Audrey asked.
Audrey. She had helped us so much. She was the reason we’d gotten 4T back. Without her, we wouldn’t have gotten this far. Mykola had certainly made a mistake in dragging her into this.
I couldn’t make the same mistake.
I took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eye. She gazed back up at me, her eyes round and hopeful.
“Audrey, we can’t bring you with us. This is getting too dangerous.”
“I can handle it!”
“I know you can, I’m sure you can!” I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. “The thing is, Audrey, I don’t want you to get hurt. And because of me in the future, you’re going to…”
My  voice trailed off.
Audrey searched my eyes. “What’s going to happen to me?” she asked quietly.
“I encourage you to join the Underground railroad,” I mumbled. “And you get shot, saving some slaves from the South. You almost die.”
“Mr. Trevor, even if you hadn’t told me to join, I would have anyways.”
I raised an eyebrow. “But it’s my fault you get hurt! You could have died, and it would have been my fault!”
She put a hand on my arm and smiled. “I make my own choices, Trevor. I’m responsible for myself. You cannot take responsibility for everyone. You’re not God.”
“Scotsman!” Dominik called. “We must go.”
“Yeah, he’s right!” my Future Self agreed. “Mykola’s going to show up really quick, here!”
I turned back to Audrey. “Not this time, Audrey,” I said firmly. “I don’t want to even take Marin on this, but she belongs with me. You belong here. This is your time period. Thank you for everything.”
Audrey nodded. She gave me a quick hug. “Then I’ll pray everything goes well. Thanks for visiting me, Trevor.” She released me from her bear hug and glanced at Marin. “And I want you to come visit me when it’s not so crazy!”
“I would like to,” Marin replied with a shy smile. “Goodbye, Audrey.”
“Bye, Audrey,” I said. I turned to the others and glanced at Trevor. “You coming with us, Trevor?”
“No.” He shook his head. “This is your job. I already did this. I don’t want to do it again. Just remember to get the extra 4T, or you’re going to get stranded.”
I grabbed Marin’s hand. In turn, she grabbed Dominik’s. I looked over at the Russian and frowned. This guy had been responsible for helping Mykola.
Dominik caught my gaze. “I am in this with you,” he informed me. “There is nothing I can gain from Mykola now. Let us go.”
Turning the dial on my watch, I set it for the era I’d hidden the extra 4T. “Next stop, Ma-”
My voice was lost as 4T teleported us from the Civil War to our new destination.
I just prayed Mykola wouldn’t figure out where we were.

To be continued...


  1. WOW! This story has certainly kept me on the edge of my seat! It also got me as close as I'm going to get to working in the Underground Railroad! I can't wait to see how this story ends!

  2. This is such a great story.I absolutely love it.So does this mean Dominik will go on your adventures with you know?

    God Bless

  3. Whoa! This is getting better and better! :D
    Huzzah for future self! ;)
    Can't wait for part seven! :D

  4. Wow what an adventure... I can't wait till next week :)


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