History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. -Winston Churchill

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Unknown: Part Five

Somewhere far away that no one knows about, except the bad guys whom we've been following to this place, even though we don't know where it is...

Idiot. Major Timothy was a complete idiot.
I'd warned him, I'd threatened him, I'd done everything I could to spare his life. I didn't want to kill him, after all, he was such a valuable asset. But no, he'd failed for the last time. I'd warned him that if he messed it up one more time I'd have to do away with him. And yet he didn't manage to make sure that Trevor's watch remained lost. If he could have done that, I wouldn't have had to kill him. Too bad.
Such is the way of business, I am a man of my word. To let my word be degraded once would be a bad mark on my record. So I've had him disposed of.
Now I have the problem of finding a replacement. I need someone who I can get to do whatever I want. The CIA is well under my grasp, but I needed someone new. Someone who had no idea what he's getting into, someone who'd follow me into this mission without any guilt. A man who hasn't any realization that what we are doing is illegal. I needed an innocent bystander that would follow me around like a loyal dog.
You have no idea how hard my job is, how long I've plotted on how I was going to catch Trevor and drag him back to my headquarters. I've waited years, and Major Timothy got me farther along than anyone else. But now he's dead. What's a man have to do around here to get something done?
I need a new assistant. And I know exactly where to get one.
Trevor thinks he's so amazing and great because he can time travel. So he can jump through time lines, big deal. True, I haven't figured out how to do it, but I'm getting there. Once I have his wristwatch, I too, will time travel. Then I can fix all those messes he's made out of history.
How do I know what he's messed up, if he changed history and that's how we now know it? I created my own program that tracks when historical timelines are messed with. Told you I could invent things. Allow me to introduce you to my invention: TTGS, aka, Time Tracking Graphical System. Yes, when Trevor goes and wrecks another historical moment with one of his dumb ideas, technically no one knows about it because he changed it. So therefore we now have in our historical records that that's how it always has been, so no one really knows when Trevor's been in any given time period.
With my TTGS, I've been able to figure out when he changes history. My machine, once plugged into a computer, displays timelines throughout different periods and shows them as straight lines. Whenever one has been tampered with, that line will rise up and down to show the exact day and minute Trevor changed something. So unless there's other time travelers than Trekker, I can pinpoint when and where he was by my graph.
How does that help me catch him? Simple- I happen to have been able to partially create his time machine. It doesn't transport me back in time, which is my whole goal in the first place. I'm missing a key ingredient, one I hope to gain by snatching that miserable Scottish pipsqueak and his little sidekick. I don't know what I need to fix my time machine, but what I did figure out is I can still use it. To a certain extent, but it does work.
You see, I can tamper with time. Not travel through it and certainly not direct when I want to tamper with it, but I can change certain things. And yours truly, Trevor, has helped me do it, even though he doesn't know it.
He thinks its just a glitch that whenever he teleports to somewhere new, an item from his last excursion ends up in the new time period. So a Roman helmet could show up in Cuba during the revolution, depending on where Trevor went last and where he goes next. But you see, I'm the one who can decide what comes where and what that item is.
I won't get into the physics, it's very confusing. I will tell you this, though: remember how the dam broke when Trevor went to Grand Coulee and the workers mob went after him? I was able to place a troublemaker in that crowd, the one who tried to take him out. I made sure that when Trevor went to the gold towns that the deputy was crooked and tried to kill him. I was the one who brought in that boy to steal General Grant's battle plans. And if it hadn't been for sheer luck that Trevor managed to get out of everyone of those situations, I would have found a way to either kill him off or bring him back to the future. If he is in contact for too long with one of my tampered people or objects, I can bring both my object and him back into our time now.
Genius, I know. Again, I won't bore you with the details. You wouldn't understand how I change these people into thinking they're something they're not or how I get them there from other time periods anyways.
Without Major Timothy I have no one to make sure the people are placed where they should be, and I won't get my hands dirty. I can't have Interpol realize I'm the one who is really behind these problems I've convinced them Trevor's caused.
But I think I have the solution now. Yes, I think I know exactly who will help me bring Trevor back. And I'm going to do it in a way no one expects, nor realizes is possible. Not only will I get a new assistant, but I'll get someone who will shake the very foundation of Trevor and Marin's relationship, someone who can get Trevor's young friend to turn on him. A person that neither one realizes is alive. He himself isn't quite sure who he is, but once he sees Elizaveta (remember, that's Marin's real name, not that dumb one Trevor came up with) he'll remember it all.
 His name is Dominik Maklakov.

Part Six to come at the end of next month.


  1. Mr. Trevor I would keep a close eye on Marin, and 4T on your next trip.

  2. Dominik Maklakov-same last name as Marin. Is that her father?
    Trevor, how did you meet/adopt Marin? I'd like to hear that story sometime.
    Interesting story. This guy sounds BAD!!!! :Q Marin and Trevor, beware! (make sure that you read this comment! :D)
    God bless!

    1. Ira-Grace you can read the story of how Marin and Trevor met in the "Unknown Part Three"
      From the bad guy's perspective at least :)

    2. Maklakov is the same last name as Marin... Who is this guy!?!?

    3. Ira-Grace...
      they cannot read your comments, as we erase them from the database. Any suggestions or warnings you try to give Trevor and Marin will not reach them, they will find out soon enough. We will prevail.

    4. Hmm. I don't know about that :) Mr. Trevor's, and Marin are pretty smart. I mean they've outsmarted you so far without even trying too :)

    5. Yeah! Ha ha bad guys, Mister Trekker and Marin will prevail in the end! No matter what you do or say! :P

  3. this looks VERY interesting, this new guy definitely means trouble. hope Trekker and Marin get some kind of warning, they might be in for a big surprise, can't wait to read more!


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