History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. -Winston Churchill

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Highlights from Marin: What You Need to Know

            Hello there everyone. This is Marin Maklakov, Trevor’s assistant. Are you ready to time travel with us?
As Trevor’s assistant it’s my duty to pick up on the things he might have left off. He can get a little carried away and often forgets things, he’s prone in that way. Don’t get me wrong, he’s one of the smartest guys I know. He created 4T, for goodness sake! It’s just that Trevor is a little bit…shall we say immature? He acts more like he’s sixteen then twenty-six. I’m just warning you so you’re not surprised when he gets into one of his goofy modes and leaves us behind. When he gets an idea he runs with it, often leaving me behind without even realizing it until I’m in dire danger or something. Don’t worry, he always comes back right when I need him the most, I’m just giving you a heads up in case that happens while you’re traveling with us. I’m used to it now and I know the ropes of time traveling pretty well, but if you have any real important questions you’d best direct them to him. He knows a lot about history, more than I do.
I see that he’s explained what we’ll be doing as well as his general outline, but he forgot to mention a couple of things to you all. I’ll just brush over them real quick so we can get started next week on our journey.
First off my Czech name is not hard to say. It’s Elizaveta Rifka Maklakov. You say it Ya-lee-za-vee-ta Reef-ka Moc-la-cough. Trevor just has trouble saying my name because he’s Scottish, he likes to draw out his E’s and roll his R’s on everything. I speak with a more guttural tone, which isn’t as nice sounding as his Scottish accent, but at least I don’t get fancy with my English. To make it simple though, I’ll just go with Marin. I like it anyways, it sounds like an American name.
The second thing I’ll mention is this, Trevor loves to interact with everyone. Leave comments, ask questions. We want to make sure your time with us is fun and pleasant, so don’t be afraid to speak up. If Trevor gets a little too wound up just let me know and I’ll straighten him out. He gets excited and wants to drag us all over the time space continuum, but I’ll make sure he tones down a little and keeps it nice and simple. Otherwise he’ll start speaking in that rapid Scottish accent of his and neither one of us will understand him!
The last thing I’ll give you is an outline for next month’s adventure. I typed up an informative graph so you’ll know just what to expect from our expedition. It’s coming up fast, so I hope you’re ready.
It’s a pleasure to have you with us and we’re going to have a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy being with us, I’m excited to have a new friend along!

-Marin Maklakov

What to expect
The California Gold Rush
The history of the Gold rush, a little known historical fact and a highlight from today in history.
Book Recommendations
Two book series we think you’ll like about the California Gold Rush.
Panning for Trouble: Part One
Trevor and I head to a mining town called Grizzly and find more than we bargained for while panning for gold.
Panning for Trouble: Part Two
A discovery leads to a hightail chase as Trevor and I race to find the law-before it can find us!
Panning for Trouble: Part Three
The conclusion of our harrowing adventure, along with a few surprises.


  1. Sounds good, and I can't wait!
    ~ JT

  2. Huzzah! I love learning about the Gold Rush! =D
    Have you two ever time traveled to Fort Vancouver in the 1840's? I actually have! Well, sorta, I do re-enactments there. We dress up in real period correct 1840's outfits and everything! (P.S. I LOVE accents, weather its Scottish, Czech, or British! ;)

    1. Oh yes, I've been to the 1840s. We traveled the Oregon Trail once, though it ended up a little...interesting, to say the least. :) I love accents too, you Americans have such fascinating accents that I love to hear. Sometimes I wish I was American, but Trevor says that I should be happy to be myself. :)

    2. Cool! =D
      I didn't realize I had an accent! I guess I don't notice it because I hear it all the time... Yes, always be yourself; everyone else has already been taken. ;)

    3. Everyone has an accent, though they may not know it. To you, your accent sounds normal. To me, it sounds very unique and interesting. My accent sounds typical to me, but to you I'd sound very guttural and hard to understand.

  3. So exciting! I can't wait to go on a adventure with you!

    1. Welcome along Bethany, we're excited to have you, too!

  4. Sounds fun! Marin, what is your blog's address? I'm having some trouble following your blog, and I think having the address would help... :)

    1. Hmm, I'm not sure how to help you with that. I'm not very tech savvy, but I think if you subscribe by email you can get updates from the blog. I'm trying to get Trevor to add something where we can have ebloggers be able to follow us, but we haven't figured out how to use it. When we get some idea I'll let you know. Thank you for reading!

    2. Ok, thanks for the help! :)

    3. And actually, we've now changed our profiles to Google+ so you can follow us! That way it'll make it easier to get updates about the blog. :)

    4. Yay!
      So...now could you give me your blog's address?? :P (what I mean by "blog's address" is...well, here's an example: This is MY blog address: 4rmeddy.blogspot.com)

    5. trevortrekkertimetraveler.blogspot.com

      I think this is our blog address, Rebekah. Hope that helps! You have a nice looking blog, by the way. :)


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